About 3DIM
The 3D Imaging Centre, 3DIM, at DTU is a competence center for X-ray and neutron imaging.
It is home to a new national facility, DANFIX: a 900 m2 laboratory with room for 10 CT scanners. The facility is used for research and education within a broad range of natural, technical and health disciplines. Also it supports the digitization of natural and cultural heritage in Denmark. For scientific users, the use of the facility will be via peer review and on a collaborative basis.
DANFIX was inaugurated in the summer 2021 and is currently equipped with five X-ray scanners. CT scanning is provided with a spatial resolution varying from 2 µm on 100 µm thick samples to 100 µm on 20 cm thick samples. State-of-the-art laser vision equipment is available for high resolution surface scanning.
3DIM is associated with an imaging industry portal, which has collaborated with 35 companies since the first scanner was acquired in 2013. The portal is one of three branches of the national societal partnership “Linking Industry with Neutrons and X-rays”.
3DIM is closely associated with several other infrastructures:
- the general purpose imaging instrument at beamline DanMAX at the synchrotron MAX IV in Lund, to be commissioned in the beginning of 2021.
- two imaging instruments ODIN and BEER at the neutron facility ESS, in Lund (2022).
- the dedicated hard X-ray microscope: a flagship beamline at ESRF (open for users in 2020).
The large amount of data and their high complexity imply that data analysis often takes 10-100 times longer than the data acquisition. To alleviate this problem DTU, KU, LU, MAX-IV and ESS have established a joint data analysis center, QIM, for imaging data from MAX IV, ESS and 3DIM. One branch of QIM is located within the 3DIM premises.
3DIM is also placed in close proximity to the Center for Electron Nanoscopy, the largest TEM centre in Denmark. This provides excellent opportunities for multiscale studies.
The partners of 3DIM has 30 years of experience in X-ray and neutron instrumentation. This allows us to design and built machines with new modalities and scanners customized to special requirements. We commercialize some of the designs, in parts via spin-out companies such as Xnovo Technology and Exruptive.
The origin of 3DIM was a grant by the Capitol Region of Denmark in 2013. From this it has grown based on funding primarily from DTU, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and from Innovation Foundation of Denmark.
The partners of the 3D Imaging Center are the following institutes: DTU Compute, DTU Energy, DTU Mechanical Engineering, DTU Physics and DTU Wind Energy.
Courses in which 3DIM is involved:
- 47209 3D imaging, analysis and modelling
- 47336 Applications of X-ray and neutron scattering in biology, chemistry and physics
- 22485 Medical imaging systems
- 10209 X-ray and Neutron Experiments at International Research Facilities
- 10200 The structure and dynamics of materials studied with X-rays and neutrons
- 10255 Advanced 3D X-ray imaging
- 02946 Scientific Computing for X-Ray Computed Tomography
- 02506 Advanced Image Analysis – course in quantitative image analysis
- 02509 High performance computing for experimental 3D imaging data (10 ECTS)
- 02510 Deep learning for experimental 3D image analysis (5 ECTS)