DanScatt XFEL Workshop 2024
XFELs: perspectives and opportunities for science

This year the XFEL Workshop will take place at Aarhus University, on May 29 and 30 (lunch to lunch) as a satellite meeting immediately before the DanScatt annual meeting (May 30-31, 2024, on the same campus).
The sessions in the workshop will consist of presentations by an exciting list of invited speakers followed by discussion (see program). All participants are welcome to bring a poster and discuss your ideas for science at XFELs with other experts. Sandwich lunch and coffee breaks will be provided.
Deadline for signing up is 16 May at 23:59!
For more information: https://events.au.dk/danscattxfelworkshop2024
DanScatt Director
Martin Meedom Nielsen Professor, Deputy Director Department of Physics Phone: +45 45253226 Mobile: +45 51801561 mmee@fysik.dtu.dk