PhD defense of Morten Haubro
Morten Haubro will defend his PhD thesis on "Enabling the Study of Aqueous Solvation Dynamics with Ultrafast X-ray Scattering".

On Tuesday, 4th of June 2024, the PhD student Morten Haubro from DTU Physics will defend his PhD thesis. The topic on his work is "Enabling the Study of Aqueous Solvation Dynamics with Ultrafast X-ray Scattering". Everybody interested in the topic, can come to the presentation at DTU, Building 306, Auditorium 35 from 13:00.
Evaluation Board:
- Dr. Henrik T. Lemke, Group Leader, SwissFEL/Paul Scherrer Institute
- Dr. Jens Uhlig, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Physics, Lund University
- Dr. Jens Wenzel Andreasen, Professor, DTU Energy
Supervisor: Dr. Kristoffer Haldrup, Associate Professor, DTU Physics
Co-supervisors: Dr. Martin Meedom Nielsen, Professor, DTU Physics and Dr. Klaus B. Møller, Professor, DTU Chemistry
Moderator: Dr. Rajmund Mokso, Senior Researcher, DTU Physics
Morten Lunn Haubro Postdoc Department of Physics